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I'm a friend, a student, a passive speaker, a second year of high school. I play guitar and Play Station both at the same time. But that's just another side of me. This is me, guess what.
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Catch me on:
Say your halo, fellas !

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

posted by dick on : Friday, August 21, 2009 at 6:33 PM

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Days pass so quickly. We welcomed last Ramadhan, then we bade it farewell. Only a short period of time passed and we are welcoming Ramadhan again. So we should hasten to do good deeds in this month and strive to fill it with what Allah is pleased with.

Ramadhan is full of discipline, self-control, patience, and good behavior. And we know its the most blessed month in the Islamic calendar. Its primarily a spiritual training course intended to help us cultivate essential virtues and skills in order to lead a meaningful life. I believe that most often we forget our true essence and identity as human beings. In other words, we become totally preoccupied with the physical and material dimensions, forgetting the spiritual core of our personalities. And Ramadhan comes to remind us of who we truly are and how we can discipline ourselves in such a way that we are fully awake to our full spiritual potential.

Let our fasting be a fasting of body, mind, and soul. For while staying away from food, drink, and sexual gratifications, minds, eyes, ears, and tongue. This time is the perfect opportunity to break free of all negative habits that have been holding us back from achieving the true happiness and perfection that is ours as a birthright. Make Ramadhan as the month of empathy and generosity. In fact, one of the main purposes of fasting is to instill in us empathy for the poor and the less deprived. By exposing us to compulsory hunger, we are given a practical lesson in hunger and thirst and thus we become better motivated to empathize with the poor. Hence we are ordered to practice the optimum level of charity in the month of Ramadhan. And don't forget to make this holy month Ramadhan to familiarize ourselves with the Qur’an, the true source of guidance, healing, and mercy—Allah’s perfect gift to humanity.


17 Agustus 1945-2009

posted by dick on : Monday, August 17, 2009 at 8:30 PM
Sebenernya title gak ada hubungannya sama sekali sama isi post ini. Cuma karena sekarang pas lagi 17an, ya..udah. Satu lagi, padahal gue lagi males ngapdet blog. Males beranjak dari tempat tidur walau hanya untuk buka leptop. Ya, ini ngepost dari hp (lagi). Loadingnya luamaaaaa. Untung aja twitter lagi rusak.

Dan, sebenernya lagi. Gue lagi up bgt. Males mau ngapa2in. Gatau butuh orang buat mendengar, atau (lagi2) cuma bisa terdiam.

Teringat jaman2 TK, SD,.. SMP, SMA yg dulu. Jadi pengen kembali, atau paling nggak cepet2 2 tahun.


So Cold

posted by dick on : Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at 9:26 PM
You're so cold
Keep your hand in mine
Wise men wonder while strong men die

Udah dari kemaren2 nih gue bilang mau mobile blogging. Haha baru sekarang kesampean (padahal emang lagi ngga ada kerjaan asli). Nah udah deh, kalo udah buka blogger, new post, ilang dah smua yang udah disiapin buat postingan terbaru. Tapi yasudahlah, mungkin blom jodoh.

Oiya, karena ada seorang teman yg request topic postingan (kayak radio aja maen request2an), yang katanya gue disuruh bahas ehm gue di bpp. Oke deh, kali ini gue akan cerita. Cerita tentang ehm. Di Malang.

Gimana ya, kayaknya orang2 Malang ini beda! Ngga kayak di bpp (yaiyalaah). Bukan2, tapi maksudnya... ya begitulah, beda lah pokoknya. Disini awewenya dingin2, padahal gue yang biasanya menjadi dingin malah sekarang gue yg didinginin (bingung kan?). Ya, dia yg selama ini sukses bikin gue "betah" di sekolah, betah mondar-mandir depan kelasnya sekalipun habis stress ulangan fisika, dan akhirnya sukses bikin gue jadi rajin belajar (huahahaha).

(Anggap saja seperti terdiam)

Try to be warm but you're so cold that I freeze.


Ramadhan dan Pengaruhnya

posted by dick on : Sunday, August 2, 2009 at 7:15 PM
Yak, udah lama gue ngga posting. Hua.. gue blom kebiasa ngeblog mobile dari hp. Iya, biarpun tiap hari gue buka laptop dan ber-internet ria. Gue hampir pasti males buat ngeposting, hehe. Padahal katanya twitter itu micro-blogging lho. Tapi ada juga yang bilang itu cuma "nge-twit" bukan "nge-blog". Tapi ya sudahlah, nampaknya blogger punya saingan baru.

Well, akhir-akhir ini gue sering dismsin sama orang tak dikenal (yang intinya dia ngajak kenalan) dan akhirnya sekarang udah kenal, lho? Namanya kayak lagu lamanya BCL, Badak Cula Lima. Tau kan? Ya, sebenernya karena gue udah lama gak diajak kenalan kayak gini ya gue mau-mau aja haha. Dan akhirnya gue disms trus tiap hari.

Yak, usut punya usut gue udah mulai curiga. Karena gue punya indera keenam, gue kayaknya tau dia itu bukan anak anak sekolah lain (FYI, dia ngaku-ngaku anak sekolah lain). Sepeprtinya dia anak sekolah gue yang cuma pengen kenalan, hahaha gaya amat gue. Tapi ya.. gitulah.

Karena gue udah curiga, gue tanyain aja facebooknya dia. Ya, dan yg dikasih malah email fs lama yang kayanya udah ga keurus, well. Gue nanya lagi email facebooknya. Mulailah beribu alesan dia kasih.

Alasan pertama dia punya banyak account facebook sampe passowrdnya lupa (serasa artis). Alasan kedua, dia ga dibolehin nge-add fb gue sama temennya yg suka sama gue (katanya, hemm..). Alasan ketiga, account facebooknya ga bisa di log in. Katanya facebook lagi error (padahal fb gue aman-aman aja). Mantap ga?

Cuma ntah dia habis dari Ki Joko Pinter apa Mama Loreng, dia tau kelemahan gue! Oh noo~ Pernah sms dia ngga gue bales lagi. Ga gue bales, ga gue bales dan akhirnya dia sms lagi. Dan tau gak sih loe? (dgn gaya alay), dia nge-sms dengan kata-kata nancep yang akhirnya buat gue sms dia lagi, heeeh.. Ya, sudahlah smoga dia akan tobat.

Maaf lho, titlenya ga ada hubungan apa2 sama isinya. Maaf, maaf banget. Plis, kasih gue kesempatan sekali lagi, gue masih suka sama.. Loh
